Meg Ryan (Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra)

"What makes Meg Ryan a modern dream-woman? She's just the nice girl from around the corner. With the exception that she's much, much prettier than every real-existing female neighbour." (Bunte 17/95)

Well, what should I say about Meg Ryan? To some people she seems to be the prettiest woman in the world, for some she's the friendliest person ever lived. You know what fans usually say about their idols and there's nothing really bad about this. I personally do admire her, too, but I avoid saying how she might be in private, I don't know her in private and probably will never meet her, which is alright to me, as this means that I'll not be responsible for disturbing her family-life and that's what fans normally do.
I got to admit that I like to meet her and talk to her about whatever, but I highly respect her efforts to keep her family, especially her son Jack Henry, away from public influence.
Anyway, why I decided to publish this site is that I wanted to honor the woman that made me laugh so often in cinema and whose smile made me forget about sadness when I felt bad in the past. When I was hurt by girls she became my dream-girl (dream, because she wasn't real and couldn't hurt me), so she helped me through the critical stations of my life. I'm glad that her life seems to be so happy because of her husband Dennis Quaid and their son Jack Henry, I hope this will never change!
I thought of constructing a Meg Ryan-page like there are so many on the web, but I would never have been able to make anyhing more interesting than most Meg Ryan-sites done by some of my friends out there. If you're interested in them then surf over to my favorite sites:
The Meg Ryan Page which provides links to all other sites, a graphics collection and much more interesting stuff and the Alternate Meg Ryan Page of my friend Richard Saylor.
For the case that you're interested in taking part in a Meg Ryan Mailing list which is moderated by my friend Andrew Perry, who, btw, does a great job on it, you're just a click away from the MRML.
But you can do me a favor. Together with Michael Keaton, Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges and others Meg Ryan is a member of the "Earth Communication Office" (ECO) which tries to involve entertainment-industry into environment-protection. I wasn't able to get any informations about this, so if anyone of you knows anything then get back to my homepage and mail it to me. Thanks!

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Last updated by Gin on 01.10.1996